The holiday's over and the journey successfully completed, car unloaded, bags unpacked, laundry started and I'm at the point it's all a dream. We arrived back in Tucson yesterday just ahead of a monster monsoon storm with the accompanying high heat, strong winds and pounding rain. It really brought to mind the significant difference between the Oregon coast and the Arizona desert - other than the obvious of course.
Ona Beach, Oregon's normally cool, often foggy summer mornings are but a distant memory this morning as we (fur boys and moi) endured a hot, muggy, buggy and dirty morning walk. They weren't very impressed and neither am I, especially after our quick trip to the Veterinarian's last night. You see, the other difference between Oregon and Arizona is this:
Pacific Tree Frog - sweet, pretty, often green, very tiny, totally innocuous and according to Wiki, the only frogs that go "ribit". We took this photo of it sitting on the gas barbecue in the back yard at Rose Cottage. Can you believe how tiny it is? That's a regular ballpoint pen in the foreground.
Sonoran Desert Toad - ugly, brown, warty, about the size of a baseball, poisonous and according to the Arizona Desert Museum, the toxins are strong enough to kill a full grown dog. According to Firefly Forest,"Dogs are at especial risk from Sonoran Desert Toads and can quickly exhibit potentially fatal symptoms of toad poisoning (excessive salivation or foaming at the mouth, head shaking, red or irritated gums, drunken gait, confusion, weakness or complete collapse, heart arrhythmia, vomiting, diarrhea, and pawing at the mouth). Seizures and death can occur in dogs within 30 minutes from a Sonoran Desert Toad poisoning. "
Finnigan decided to check one out on our before bedtime walk which caused some quick action and ended our month's vacation with a big bang! We washed his mouth out with water several times then took him to the Veterinarian's for a check up.
Thankfully he's fine, but he's ready to pack his toys, grab his favorite plastic bone and high tail it back to Oregon, pdq. Smart dog, eh?
Unfortunately a trip north isn't in the cards for us today because we've way too many other things on our list to do including but not limited to restocking the pantry so we can get back to our normal every day post on this site.
Thanks for your patience everyone! See ya' tomorrow. It's been a great vacation but the party's officially over!
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