I'm giving you fair warning people. Unfortunately this will be the last post for a little while, at least until we get to Oregon, hook up to internet service and most importantly, once we have a kitchen to cook in. From what I hear, the renovation's running a tad behind through no fault of the contractor I might add. He's been a true gem, and he's had a lot of unexpected issues to deal with. Buying a 40 year old house is kinda' like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna' get.
Because I won't be cooking for Big Guy for a while, I thought I'd make last night's dinner memorable for him so it included all the things near and dear to us - roasted brussels sprout, mashed potatoes, lovely nutty parsnip and more importantly fried pork chops with country gravy. You know the kind of gravy I mean, don't ya. The one that can be whipped up in mere minutes and tastes great with fried chicken, or smothering some nice flakey biscuits. In fact, if I'd had a pan to cook'em in, we would have had those biscuits too.
Anyway, I can't give you recipes for last night's dinner because it's all off the cuff, so I'll just tell you what I did, OK? The chops were lovely three quarter inch bone in beauties that I coated in flour seasoned with a little sage, thyme, marjoram and salt and pepper then fried in a hot pan in a smidge of butter. Ten minutes did the trick for the chops, then I kept them warm in the oven while I whipped up the gravy. A little more butter in the same pan, chopped onion sauteed until translucent, followed by a couple tablespoons of the seasoned flour made a nice thick roux. About a cup and a half of milk along with a package of chicken Flavor Boost (I know, I love the stuff so it's used a lot around here), a splash of water and a little more time on the element to bubble and dinner was ready.
Big Guy's comments "it was good comfort food...just the way we like it".
A year ago - Ideas for St. Patrick's Day
Two year's ago - Thai Chicken Curry
Three year's ago - Dutch Baby Pancakes
What a great meal to leave on... I know that will make the Big Guy miss you all the more for sure! Be safe on the road my friend!
Posted by: Lea | 03/08/2013 at 10:48 AM
Now that is a meal to definitely make the Big Guy miss you. Put that gravy in a mug for me would you!
Posted by: Lorraine | 03/08/2013 at 12:21 PM
Thanks Lea. Keep the prayers comin' our way, OK? I'll be in touch!
Lorraine - I know what you mean...and with biscuit dippers. MMMM Wonder if I'll have a stove yet in that new kitchen. Ha.
Posted by: June | 03/08/2013 at 01:52 PM
I'll miss your posts - almost as much as the Big Guy will miss you. I hope it all goes well with you. Come back as soon as you can.
Posted by: Nancy | 03/08/2013 at 07:24 PM
Thank you Nancy. I'm not sure how long I'll be "away" but I shall return. We're in Santa Nella as we speak and the drive up the valley is amazing. The fruit trees are all in blossom.
Posted by: June | 03/09/2013 at 08:27 PM
I keep checking in to see if my favorite blogging Arizonian, is now my favorite blogging Coastal Oregonian. Hope the move went well and things are falling right into place. Here's to your new home, your new adventures and your sharing it all with us, your online friends and fans.
Posted by: Tom | Tall Clover Farm | 05/06/2013 at 07:52 AM
You shame me my friend. I have no excuse except that Big Guy's still in Tucson so my reason for cooking hasn't arrived on the Oregon coast yet. I promise an update is forthcoming soon. I pinch myself at least once a day - I must have done something really right to deserve living in such a fabulous place! It is heaven. Hope you're well!
Posted by: June | 05/08/2013 at 04:04 PM