As you may have gathered, weekends around here are rather laid back and Sundays in particular. After a busy and eventful week, there's not much better than a long Sunday afternoon nap followed by an easy double teamed totally "winged it" dinner.
Our local market had some gorgeous little cipollini onions and with a flying saucer shape and sweet flavor, they're perfect for roasting so that's what I did. Relieved of their papery skins, I dumped them into a saute pan along with a touch of olive oil and they hit a 425 preheated oven 10 minutes before some mini potatoes joined the roasting party. Easy, eh?
As for the mushrooms - I'd originally planned to stuff the portobello's but unfortunately one of them was broken in transit. Course that would happen when it's placed under 5 pounds of potatoes at check out. Mmm - anyway, after removing the gills, I sliced them instead and they hit a hot pan after some diced bacon was crisp. Joined by garlic cloves and a couple of glugs of dry marsala, the mushrooms simmered on the stove until the marsala had been reduced and the mushrooms were golden. Meanwhile Big Guy grilled a beautiful porterhouse steak on our little red gas grill and dinner was ready.
Talk about two happy people, no leftovers, and very few dishes which is a good thing because we're still without a dishwasher that works. It seems we've been the lucky recipients of a bogus batch of GE products that all have faulty control panels. Since we're replacing a 16 month old Maytag that had an identical problem and the same company that manufacturers Maytag also makes Whirlpool and Kitchenaid, I'm not sure what we'll end up with if we can't find a GE that works. To say they don't make things like they used to is putting it mildly.
Dishwasher Number 3 is supposed to be delivered today and believe me, I surely will not be responsible for my actions if this one doesn't work either. Don't ya' feel sorry for the delivery/installation guy...let's hope he knows how to duck. It would certainly resolve the issue of having dishes to wash in the first place.
Sorry people - no recipe today. I just threw it all together so trust your instincts and do the same!
Two year's ago - Pineapple Upsidedown Cake
Yum - "the best" is correct! Those onions look so juicy and sweet and delish! Wow! Winner, Winner, steak dinner!!!!
Posted by: Lea | 09/17/2012 at 08:07 AM
Lea - we love our steak dinners around here. Sunday steak's were tradition when Big Guy was a little guy whereas in my family we had beef all week and chicken on Sundays. LOL
Posted by: June | 09/17/2012 at 08:35 AM
We had to replace control panels in our washer, dryer, and stove. It's crazy! Also....I wanted to mention that for whatever reason, your blog is banned at my work! It won't make it through our secure firewall - which usually blocks stuff that it doesn't think students should see. I'm not sure what it finds offensive on your blog!
Posted by: pam | 09/18/2012 at 04:10 AM
Pam - we finally got a dishwasher that works. Third time lucky. Bahhh!
Can't figure out why my blog would be banned, although I may have used the odd swear word from time to time. I'll check with typepad and see what they say. Thanks for letting me know.
Posted by: June | 09/18/2012 at 07:51 AM
I love those little cipollini onions and always try to buy some during the farmer's market season when they get them. They are somewhat rare in the grocery store. Nice looking steak BG.
Posted by: Lorraine | 09/19/2012 at 08:11 AM
Lorraine - Cipollini are great aren't they but they don't have much of a shelf life which is all the more reason to grow 'em. Can't wait to do that!
Posted by: June | 09/19/2012 at 08:41 AM