Grilling season is upon us once again, although here in the sunny Southwest it's darn near a year round enjoyment. The challenge is often coming up with something new and different to try.
Every once in awhile I hit the Fine Cooking web site and rarely come away from it unhappy. This time I couldn't resist their recipe for baby back ribs. Only thing is, it was "stankin'" hot here yesterday (over 100) and since Big Guy spent the entire weekend marking papers, we decided to roast the ribs inside and merely glaze them on the outside grill.
After Big Guy took the membrane off the back, we seasoned the ribs well with salt and pepper, minced garlic and an onion, then placed them into a foil packet along with a cup of apple cider. Wrapped up well, they roasted at 350 for 80 minutes. After they cooled slightly, we coated them in the glaze made of hoisin, root beer, sweet chili sauce, Sriracha glaze and grilled them till they were brown, crispy and shiny.
If you head to Fine Cooking's site, you'll notice their version was done completely on the grill and the glaze included kecap manis - we happened to be out of that sweet Indonesian style soy sauce so I substituted hoisin instead.
Lorraine over at Figs and Artichokes recently posted her version of Hoisin Ribs and I really wish I'd followed her footsteps because the Chinese 5 Spice Powder she used in hers, never mind the sherry would have been a great addition to this version. I found them a little lacking in flavor, but since Big Guy normally does the rib cookin' around here, it could be I was missing the smoky flavor. Saying all of that, these were moist, tender and OK. I'm just spoiled and that's all there is too it.
Our side dish last night also from Fine Cooking included fresh corn, sauteed with bacon, red onion, green pepper, and garlic and finished with chives, parsley and a dash of hot sauce. Served warm with a squeeze of lemon, it was absolutely fabulously delicious and a great accompanyment to the ribs. Incidentally, the lemon could be replaced with lime juice but for heaven's sake, don't leave it out. It makes a huge difference and really freshens up the flavors.
Hit the link and head directly to Fine Cooking for the recipe. We made it as listed with one exception - we cut the recipe in half and we used our home smoked side bacon instead of the back bacon they recommend.
I know I'm being a lazy lout for not listing the recipes below, but our little Maxer had a long string of seizures last night and he's a might fragile at the moment. He needs his Momma so I've gotta run. Hope you all have a super day!
A year ago - Lamb Sausage Rolls
Two year's ago - Chicken Chili Caliente
Those ribs sure do look moist and delish - but - I will pass on this recipe - no Root Beer fans here! Now - that side dish is another thing altogether!
Sorry to hear about the Maxer being under the weather again... hope the little tyke is back to good health and frolicking soon!
Posted by: Lea | 04/23/2012 at 09:09 AM
Lea - not sure you can really taste it anyway so coke or Dr. Pepper would work as well as anything (or maybe a little water and honey). Maxer's enduring a seizure marathon. He's had 9 grand mal's in less than 12 hours. Needless to say, he's now at the Vet Hospital. I'm worried.
Posted by: June | 04/23/2012 at 12:00 PM
Well, they look mighty delicious!
Posted by: pam | 04/23/2012 at 04:05 PM
Thanks Pam. Big Guy said the leftovers made a darn fine lunch.
Posted by: June | 04/23/2012 at 04:24 PM
Thanks for the mention! The corn salad looks absolutely yummy as do the ribs. I think next time I do mine it will be warmer here and I can finish them on the BBQ like you did yours. Great idea. Hugs to Maxer.
Posted by: Lorraine | 04/26/2012 at 07:09 AM
Lorraine - let's put 'em on the list for summer, for sure! Max says thanks for the hugs - he's sure been getting lots of them particularly in the middle of the night. LOL
Posted by: June | 04/26/2012 at 08:47 AM