Yup, that's right. JBug's Kitchen Antics is 2 years old today and it's incredible how quickly the time has gone by. Truthfully, this picture on the right is 2 years old too and I don't think I've changed all that much. Umm, yeah right...why do you think I'm showing you a 2 year old picture?
I've certainly had an edumacatin' in the last 24 months about blogging let me tell you and
- Cooking's easy, writing's a piece of cake, but the picture taking's a real "bear";
- I've learned the Big Guy will eat almost anything now except green peas;
When I have a failure like the cake on the right, I've learned to pick myself up, dust off my ego, clean out the oven, swear, cry, drown in wine and start all over again;
- I've learned not to be discouraged if it's a slow day; or someone takes offence to something I've said; or the foodporn sites reject yet another photo; or there's lots of hits and no comments; or nobody gets my jokes;
- I've learned to remember who my audience is and that I'm doing this not just to have fun myself and keep our household on a perpetual diet, but to inspire others to cook and have fun in the kitchen as well;
- I've learned to be tremendously flattered when someone likes one of my creations and blogs about it and shrug it off if they forget to share the credit or link to JBug's. I mean as long as they don't copy my work word for word what does it matter, because really when you get to be my advanced age you realize there are very few "originals" left anyway. We all need to find inspiration from somewhere.Goodness knows I'm inspired every day by my fellow bloggers.
I've learned that I can and will procrastinate about anything ...make that everything, except for putting dinner on the table every night and writing about it in a post the next morning. I love cooking and blogging almost equally, and as for eating - well I'll leave that alone shall I?
- I've learned that cyber friendships are truly precious and as deep and real as those nurtured in person, eyeball to eyeball. Distance, ethnicity, religion, politics, rain, snow or sleet play no part when there's a shared passion.
- I've learned that after 750 posts, it's still possible to make something new especially with chicken and/or at least make it sound new but nothing beats a repeat of an old favorite every now and then;
- Last but far from least, I've learned there's nobody on earth I'd rather share a kitchen or my heart with than my Big Guy. Thanks for your patience and your encouragement, sweetheart. Without you I'd be a mere bacon grease spot on the sands of time or in the pages of some cookbook instead of a Google...ee...er...well you know what I mean!
HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY JUNE! I loved this post. Now I can finally picture what you and the Big Guy look like when I read your worthy posts or you comment on mine! After another 750 posts, you'll be ANOTHER 2 years older... But we only get better as we age like the very best of wines! - Mary
Posted by: Mary from Apron Strings & Wedding Rings | 04/01/2011 at 06:24 AM
Thank you Mary. The picture was taken during our annual vacation on the Oregon coast, thus the windblown turkey lick hair and huge grin behind the wine. By the way, I sure hope you're right re the aging/wine analogy! LOL
Posted by: June | 04/01/2011 at 06:54 AM
Been a great two years. Here's to many more learning together.
Posted by: Big Guy | 04/01/2011 at 07:11 AM
I'll toast to that my love.
Posted by: June | 04/01/2011 at 09:09 AM
Congratulations on your blog anniversary (birthday?). Seems like a marriage so I'll go with anniversary. It's been so much fun reading all your posts and I've learned so much from you as well. HUGS to you and Steve!
Posted by: Sophia mangalee | 04/01/2011 at 11:24 AM
Thank you Sophia and hugs back atcha'. It's so fun to see you visit and hear that you've been inspired. We love ya' bunches!
Posted by: June | 04/01/2011 at 11:44 AM
Just made the pumpkin cake. HELLO!!!, woozier that is great!
Posted by: Sophia | 04/01/2011 at 05:48 PM
Congrats! Happy two years!
Posted by: pam | 04/01/2011 at 07:32 PM
Sophia - you are too funny. It is pretty darn tasty isn't it?
Pam, thank you my friend. Time sure flies when you're having fun.
Posted by: June | 04/01/2011 at 07:37 PM
Congratulations on the anniversary. It's one that most blogs never reach. I hope to be hear for the next two years as well. I really enjoy my visits here. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
Posted by: Mary | 04/01/2011 at 09:00 PM
Thank you Mary and I enjoy my visits with you.
Posted by: June | 04/02/2011 at 05:58 AM
I like it - I think your jokes are funny as all heck - and I look forward to my daily visits with you! You really inspire me to cook for my family! I love this blog because of the fact that it is about love and goodness and NOT about impressing people and trying to get a gig in the business! It is good stuff!!! Through you - I have discovered that my HOBL (Hunk Of Burning Love) loves curry! Keep going, my friend - I would miss you if you went away!
Posted by: Nanan | 04/08/2011 at 07:43 AM
Ahh...thanks Lea. You get it, you really get it (do I sound like Sally Field???)and I would miss you too. You're one of the precious cyber friendships I was talking about. You mean the world to me and I love ya'!
Posted by: June | 04/08/2011 at 08:59 AM
Congratulations on two years my friend! AND... I FINALLY get to see what you look like!
Posted by: Mags | 04/09/2011 at 04:25 PM
Thanks Mags - kind of elusive aren't I? Quite honestly, I'm the absolute polar opposite of photogenic.
Posted by: June | 04/10/2011 at 06:39 AM