The big guy cooked again last night and if this particular moment is any indication, he'll be doing it again tonight. I am so far from my "A" game it isn't funny in fact likely for the first time in my life, food holds absolutely no appeal. None, zero, zilch.
What you see is a lovely little fillet that the big guy wrapped in bacon and cooked in the grill pan in his outside kitchen for 3 minutes a side to a perfect medium rare. Sittin' pretty on a bed of caramelized onions and topped with a cheesy stilton sauce, it was a beautiful thing - most of which is still waiting in the refrigerator for when I get my appetite back - hopefully soon. It's pretty darn difficult to write a food blog when you can't abide the site of it.
As for the photo, it's the time of year that we haul out the artificial lighting because nature is no longer cooperating. It is dark by the time we're taking dinner pictures, so please bear with us as we get our lighting and camera re-adjusted.
If you're wondering what it's like in a place that has perpetual summer, this is the sign of autumn at our home in Tucson, AZ. The picture below was taken early yesterday morning (around 8:00 am) and is of the pomegranate tree we have espaliered along the west wall of our back yard. The tree's only 4 years old and this year it has produced several large pomegranates, a few of which you can see . They're not quite ready yet, as we found out yesterday - but will be soon. Hopefully we'll get to them before the birds do.
Also, here's a shot of a small section of the Meyer lemon I was telling you about. As you can see, the fruit is just starting to ripen. The lemons don't appear to be as large as the ones we enjoyed last year, but of course they've a few more months of growing to do before they'll be ready for limoncello.
My little sunshine - I hope you have sought appropriate medical care by this time! Your yard is lucious! Amazing what you can produce in the desert! That steak is absolutely scrumptious - take it from me! I know you could care less at this point, bless your heart. Get well, my friend, I do not like it when you are ill.
Posted by: Nanan | 10/25/2010 at 10:07 AM
Lea - your little sunshine is just feeling a might cloudy, but really I'm on the mend.
Posted by: June | 10/25/2010 at 12:24 PM
Oh, get better soon. I am sooo jealous of your: big guy, pomegranate tree, and Meyer lemon tree!!!
Posted by: pam | 10/25/2010 at 02:24 PM
Awww sweetie, sorry to hear that you're still under the weather. I woke up with a sore throat myself this morning and feel my first cold of the season coming on today.
That steak still looks fabulous to me so I must not be too sick.
Posted by: Mags | 10/25/2010 at 02:38 PM
Pam - I am so lucky and I know it, so I have to brag...I just have to!
Mags - darn, I was hoping I wouldn't pass it along to you. Get going on those hot toddies!
Posted by: June | 10/25/2010 at 02:51 PM
Well, even if you don't have the stomach for it, it looks delicious. Love stilton and steak.
Posted by: Sarah G | 10/25/2010 at 04:57 PM