Margaritaville showed it's true colors last night with these fabulous Margarita Chicken Wings, and believe you me they were a real fiesta of flavor. I don't know about you, but tequila can kill ya' and this is a great way to enjoy the flavors without the "morning after" issues.
Just imagine chicken wings having a party for 8 hours in a margarita bath! Well that's what made these darn tasty little morsels so rich in flavor. Marinated in equal parts of tequila and triple sec, along with fresh lime juice, lime zest and coarse salt they were baked in a hot oven rather than fried. Brushed with more marinade and drizzled with honey, they're about one of the best versions of wings we've ever had, and we like wings so what does that tell ya. Of course a sprinkle of more coarse salt and some fresh lime juice really moved them to the sublime. Download Margarita Chicken Wings
I served a fruit salad on the side that just about blew our socks off. Sectioned fresh grapefruit and orange were joined by a couple of cans of Dole's Tropical Blend and let me tell you, canned fruit has come a long way from the old days of mushy fruit cocktail. If you haven't tried it, for heavens sake give it a go. We were pleasantly surprised at the freshness, texture and flavor of a "canned" product. Boy, am I a snob, eh?
Since dinner was so reasonable in the calorie department, I thought we owed ourselves a little treat. I'd whipped up a Vanilla Bean Rice Pudding earlier in the afternoon that was just out of this world. Not too sweet, rich and creamy with a subtle vanilla flavor, it increased our satiety level one hundred fold. Download Vanilla Bean Rice Pudding Give it a try why don't ya. Not only is it delicious, it's pretty good for you too and a great way to get your calcium. Hey that's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it.
Sold! These are going to be attempted next weekend for some very happy men in my life :) Thanks for such great recipes all the time!
Posted by: Cathy | 04/03/2010 at 07:32 AM
Cathy - I LOVE that you make "my stuff" and am so incredibly flattered that you do. THANK YOU! Oh, about these Margarita wings - you'd better make double what you think you'll need!
Love your blog by the way and those pics of the cherry blossoms in beautiful!
Posted by: June | 04/03/2010 at 11:19 AM
SOLD here too. Only I'm going to have hubby make these on the grill. Or do you think that's asking for trouble with the wings sticking and all that?
Also, is there any particular reason I can't be in that bath of tequila with the wings? Just askin.
Posted by: Mags | 04/03/2010 at 06:58 PM
Oh, and I forgot to add that hubby and I have decided that we really do need to get together and have wings. It appears you guys like the drums and we love the other part of the wing (whatever that's
Posted by: Mags | 04/03/2010 at 07:02 PM
Mags - I think they'd be fabulous on the grill. I used the honey at the last minute to give them some color so it would work great on the grill too. ...mmm bath in te'kill'ya..... I have no comment. As for our sharing the wings - GREAT IDEA!
Posted by: June | 04/03/2010 at 08:07 PM