Shhhh. Listen! Listen harder! Do you hear anything? That's right, the rain has stopped at least at this particular moment. It beat like a drum on our roof last night - more rain than we've ever had at one time combined with really high winds. Weird weather.
You see, our house doesn't have rain gutters on it, but the water comes from the roof out of canals (pipes) and drops the 12 feet or so to the ground - the result is a dull roar when it pours like it has for the past couple of nights. Top that off with the fact that Max got into Georgie's food yesterday which is an invitation for more seizures because of the salt content in it and it works against his medication. It meant that he's drinkin' water like a little fool and consequently had to pee every 2 hours. Course he doesn't like to get wet while he's doin' that ...ya' picture it yet? It was a heck of a night!
But enough of the whining - I expect you're wondering about dinner last night. We marched to the beat of a different drum and had drumsticks baked in the oven. The skin is removed from these little beauties and the chicken coated in seasoned flour, an egg/buttermilk combination, then seasoned panko crumbs. Baked in a 425 oven for 45 minutes, the result is crispy, tender, moist, flavorful "icken". In fact, it tasted like more...much more but we were good! Promise! (We were so darn good we got to enjoy a glass of wine with our dinner).
I have a confession to make - I forgot to remove the skin from two of the drumsticks before I coated them and gave the big guy one last night along with one that had been skinned to see if he could tell the difference. He couldn't and I bet you can't tell either! Isn't that something? What it means is that you can have chicken that tastes fried, has a super crispy coating, a lot more flavor than the Colonel's AND enjoy it without the added fat calories. Bonus or what? Download Extra Crispy Oven Fried Chicken
I love oven fried chix and will certainly try your version - looks great with the green peeping out!!!!! love green food!!!!
Our visiting Colombian niece is 14 and not a very adventurous eater - so she ate another burger for supper - a good burger - not a chain burger - mind you - but a burger none-the-less. I had yummy crab cakes and a wonderful glass of shiraz after we saw Avatar - stunning! (but i like happy endings) Today is the Aquarium and the IMax theatre!!!! And rain - hence the inside activities... Glad you are drying out!!! Eating out again today - actually missing MY food hehehehe.
Posted by: Lea | 01/23/2010 at 08:18 AM
The Colonel has nothing on you girl! This looks like a great lower-fat recipe.
Hope your weather is back to normal today and that Max doesn't go into full-blown seizure status for you.
Posted by: Mags | 01/23/2010 at 08:22 AM
Lea - Sounds like you're having a fun time. Love the Aquarium and IMax never mind crab cakes & wine - ya got me on that one.
Mags - weather is back to normal at the moment but boy we sure have a lot of clean up to do. Apparently there's more on the way and it is cold (only 46 right now). Max is hanging in there but he doesn't look great. The little thief! Last week it was SOS pads & this week cat food. What's next?
Posted by: June | 01/23/2010 at 10:55 AM
This "food program" is a blessing for me as well, just going right along with you and feeling so much more healthy for it! Have the Chicken Butternut Tagine, Curried Red Lentil Stew and Sausage Tortellini soup (my favorite) on the menu for this week. And oops,an apple pie baking in the oven. Oh, and actually enjoying cauliflower (shock, *gasp*). Love you guys, hope Maxi is OK. Cleo ate some leftover curry and vomitted all over the carpet. Thank goodness for Miracle Clean.
Posted by: Sophia Mangalee | 01/23/2010 at 01:27 PM
Saw you visiting today and upping my numbers. Thanks for being such a regular fan and for commenting. It means the world to me! Apple pie - oh yum. I have one question re Cleo, your sweet little four legged furry friend - who's curry recipe? LOL We love you guys too!
Posted by: June | 01/23/2010 at 02:02 PM
You are being so-o-o good. I wish I had your willpower! Soon I will be able to cook in a real kitchen again!
Posted by: Sarah G | 01/23/2010 at 05:58 PM
Sarah - not sooo good today unfortunately! Oh well there's always tomorrow. (I made more cookies for the great white hunters and had to test 'em). I'm worried about you making that trip north this time of year. Hope we get to travel along with you!
Posted by: June | 01/23/2010 at 07:14 PM
June - Navin's curry version...basically burnin the curry, then adding the seasoned chicken and the add the peas later. Easy, breezy and delicious! What we think is the key is the green seasoning that sits on the chicken beforehand. Cleo doesn't care for it much even though we do! Tomorrow night I'm going to tackle the cauliflower casserole. Can't wait!
Posted by: Sophia Mangalee | 01/24/2010 at 04:48 PM
Sophia - the curry sounds wonderful. Love the stuff and some day I hope you guys are going to cook it for us. Hope you like the cauliflower casserole. It is a real keeper (so's the Manchurian one by the way). BTW - we made Tastespotting with this one. Ain't that a kick?
Posted by: June | 01/24/2010 at 05:58 PM